Everyone seems to have this on their blogs, and it seems fun. I will give it a try too!
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, if it is recent or years old, silly or serious--anything you remember!
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.
Take a stroll down memory lane.... Lets Hear Them!!
4 hours ago
Oh my where do I even begin:
* All the memories you left for me come to mind immediately
* Your slicked back hair
* Playing ball in the yard and Posha ALWAYS taking the ball
* Tying Casey and Alisha to the tree... Do you remember that?
* You running into the rope that was tied on the side of the house and getting that "Joker" like scar
* Recent ones like meeting little Addi for the first time.
I have so many I could go on and on and on. I love you.
Can't wait to see you soon:)
haha the Heath Clark butt! you know what is funny I had a couple crushes on him growing up and the funny thing is my friends always were the ones he asked out like jery lynn and you. I think it is soo awsome you two ended up together I was so excited when I found out you two were ingaged. What a perfect match! okay so some memories,here we go,
* Eating at captn cowboys fish and chips and always wanting to work there when I got old enough
* You hitting your head on the log steps at my parents house while trying to attempt to snowboard down the hill.
* Your horse bolting off when we were riding and matt lynch saving me.
* sleepovers
* Watching movies on your bedroom floor. HMM I wonder why? ;)
and so much more, but I have already taken up too much space. we need to call eachother and chat. hope all is well.
Oh so many happy memories :0
But my favorite is from my farewell. You wanted to sit up on the stand with me. Sometime during the meeting you put your head in my lap and just started to sob. I think everyone in the chapel was on the verge of tears! You were such a cutie!
Okay so really is the day I witnessed you marry your sweetheart in the Temple. I was so happy for you!
My new favorite will be the day I finally make it down to Provo to meet Addi!
Sad that the only memories I have from you are from work. I just remember when you came into interview and we liked you so we stole you away from them and you came to work for us!! And you were so humble about all your softball playing ablilties!!
K....So I Know exactly what memory comes to mind....
You and your sexy butt walking down the hallway at good ol' Show Low High in those sexy leapard print pants..... (I believe that was the day I named you HUBBA BUBBA...Bubba for short and it stuck!)
The talented Court Nix on any kind of court, field, etc.
And my favorite of all, the night we sang in Snowflake you that song..."And now your back from outta space, and you walk in here with that look upon your face, I should have changed that stupid, I should have made you leave your key, .....!"
Ha Ha made you sing it huh? I hope you are doing great!
Karah (Reidhead) Flake
The good ole high school softball days. I had so much fun with ya! To go back for just one more game-that would be fun! Your little girl is so stinkin cute!!! Best Wishes to you!
OH wow...this one is funny. I remember my first high school dance in the cafeteria and watching you and Tyler McNeil fast dance. I didn't know you had it in you. WOW...what was it about him that we all were infatuated with? He sure was a womanizer....hahaha...I also remember you always so fun to watch when you were playing sports. You looked good not like a girl :)
where do I begin with memories with you...
*taking my brothers truck with you and lynds and jumping the speed bumps in the school parking lot...
*making our gourmet meals and eating every last bit of food.
* my dad and I picking you up at *10:30 at night to go to a haunted house.
* spying on the guys in the house across from you waiting till they came out to see if they were cute for me..
going to Heath's farewell dinner and being the only girls there...
there are so many great memories with you that I can't list them all. I hope that we make many more. I love you so much and miss you
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