Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My little ball player!!

Addi loves to play ball! She already has figured out how to throw it, and she gets soo exited!  She loves to play and I get pretty exited to see her with a  little talent already!


Crystal said...

Ur lil girl is so beautiful and cute! She got your talent in playing ball, awesome!!! I see your prego again too! CONGRATS!!! So exciting!!

Greg and Kelli Clark said...

oh my goodness she is so dang cute and getting so big. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever. I guess I really haven't. I hope everything is going great for you. Love ya

Jana Porter said...

that is so so cute! are you preggers again! geeze i better get crackin so i can keep up!

Jamie said...

She is getting so big!! Glad to see that you are doing so well! Keep in touch!