Well the day has officially come!! Today I graduated from Brigham Young University! What a great accomplish this is to me after so many years of school, it has finally come to an end. I could not be more proud of myself for getting through something that seemed to never have an end. I graduated with the school of Health and Human Performance, where i majored in Fitness and Wellness Management. I am planning now on doing some personal training, with my target being young athletes. I am so very exited to be done and move on to the next phase in my life and not have to have the stress of school each day. I just want to thank my wonderful parents for being so supportive and positive in my college endeavors. They always believed in me and I just thank them so much for that. I also want to thank my amazing hubby Heath! without his support and love I would not be where I am today! Through many tears, stresses, having a baby and doubt, I finally had it in me to succeed in a great lifelong accomplishment. Go BYU Cougars!!!
Addi is getting so big so stinking fast! it is so crazy! she loves to play with her daddy and really gets a kick out of his whiskers as you can tell! she is such a happy little girl and we are so so grateful for her in our lives! She brings so much happiness too us and is always making us laugh! She is just progressing so quickly, its crazy!